Monday, March 29, 2010

1644 After-Action Report

It was a hard-fought game with just a handful of real combats. The Royalist dragoons proved to be the best 50 points spent on the table when they helped the cuirassiers win the combat in the river. For the most part the Scots and Irish got bottled up in between the edge of the board and the river. By the time the Royalists came to town, Montrose's forces were hopelessly outmanned, regardless of the Irish mercs' superior training.

A couple of key takeaways:

  • Cuirassiers are amazing - heavy armour really helps turn a combat in their favor.

  • Mulitple combats are something we need to work on. One combat started out simple enough with one cav unit charging one pike & shotte unit. Then a second cav unit charged in the back for support and some Highlanders charged the side to support the infantry. It got very confusing very quickly!

  • Marching rules will probably be needed in the future. The infantry on both sides redefined 'plodding.'

Friday, March 19, 2010

Royalist List for Saturday

The Royalist List

General................................................50 pts

5 Dragoons, trained...........................50 pts
12 Horse,trained +1cf.......................84 pts
12 Horse, trained...............................72 pts
8 Curassier..........................................72 pts

36 Foot,trained 12 Pike,24 Shot...144 pts
36 Foot,trained 12 Pike,24 Shot...144 pts

Lt Gun.................................................21 pts
Hvy Gun.............................................40 pts

Total..................................................677 pts

Montrose List for Saturday

Saturday's game of 1644 will see a hypothetical Royalist vs Montrose engagement of roughly 650-675 pts per side. The scenario will center around control of a small town on a river near the mid point of the board.

The Montrose List

General..........................................................................50 pts
24 Highlanders, trained, 6 armed with muskets....102 pts
24 Highlanders, trained, 6 armed with muskets....102 pts
24 Irish, elite, 8 pike, 16 musket..............................152 pts
24 Irish, elite, 8 pike, 16 musket..............................152 pts
12 Horse, elite...............................................................72 pts
1 Sniper..........................................................................10 pts
2 Frame guns (light guns)............................................32 pts

Total..............................................................................672 pts

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Frame Guns and a Forlorn Hope

Saturday's game of 1644 is going to be a trial run of the Montrose Scots list. In preparation for being outnumbered I decided it would be wise to paint up as much artillery as possible. That means two light guns. Here they are freshly painted and placed with some units from the rest of the army. There's a Forlorn Hope hunkered down behind a fence as well.

Irish for St. Patrick's Day

With an upcoming game, I threw some paint on some Irish pikemen. The colors are a little more uniform than I'd initially planned, but it'll make them easy to use as English down the road if the need arises.