Friday, September 18, 2015

Getting ready for USAriadna

OK, so we've got a lot of Frostgrave flying around the blog lately and not a lot of horses or muskets.
The 6mm AWI stuff is coming.  The Americans are standing by as we get terrain and bad gu..errr...British figures ready.

Meanwhile, on the SciFi front we are an Infinity hiatus until the new Human Sphere book comes out.
On top of that, painting is on hold while I tile the workshop floor.  Never a dull moment.

In the midst of all this chaos, Carlos decided to wave some more beautiful models around under my nose, so the house is filling up with unpainted USAriadna figures for Infinity.

Since the painting is on hold for a bit, I decided to do some assembly and also dig into the rules of each figure here.  It's really more for my benefit to learn the new profiles and rules, but maybe you'll dig it, too.

Here's the crew so far.  Not pictured are Mul #2, Doctor Murder 112 and an engineer.

Today's subject is the 2nd Irregular Frontiersman, 'Hardcase.'  But we're going to call him Uncle Ted and blast some sweet sweet Cat Scratch Fever.

His special skills are CH: Ambush, Infiltration, and Multiterrain.
  • Ambush gets him all the benefits of CH: Camouflage, plus a decoy marker that deploys like another camo marker.  The opponent won't know what the marker really is until the ambusher attacks or is discovered. 
  • CH: Camouflage makes him -3 to hit, lets him set up as a camo marker, and makes him -3 to discover.  He can also use surprise shot LV1.
  • Infiltration (L1) will be perfect for a Hardcase when combined with ambush and a bow.  He can deploy up to half way onto the board with no risk or onto the enemy's half if he passes a PH-3 roll.
  • Multiterrain gives Uncle Ted the ability to choose a terrain type before the game and ignore that terrain's movement penalties.
The weapon loadout on a Hardcase is pretty minimal. He's packing a Tactical Bow and either a rifle or light shotgun.
  • Tactical Bow: The bow is a fairly uncommon weapon in Infinity, but it's stronger than I expected.  Its damage is the user's PH, which is kind of funny since it's a compound bow.  No need to overthink it, though!  It's also got DA ammo and anti-materiel, so targets take two armor rolls per hit and scenery can be affected,   Remember the scene where Rambo puts a grenade on an arrow? That's all I can think of.  The bow is also silent, so attacks outside of a target's LoF can't cause a Change of Facing.  ARO's aren't even allowed unless a target survives a shot, so I'd better be sure to hit the first time.
The stat line is solid, but he isn't anything crazy.  At 4-4 he's one of the quicker figures in the list.  He's got a very nice CC of 14, but I hope he doesn't have to use it since he's ARM 0.  His PH of 13 means he's shooting arrows that are equivalent in strength to most rifles, but he's no sniper with his slightly above average BS of 11.  Sneaking up close and getting him into the bow's 0-8" +3 sweet spot will be key.  Uncle Ted comes in at either 12 or 14 points and should provide a nice forward ambusher.  Too bad he's not a Forward Observer, too, I'm sure he'd be great at it!

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