Friday, September 11, 2015

Frostgrave Game 3 - Well of Sorrows

Game 3 was a breakout into two scenarios to make it easier to make the required terrain.
Brendan and I played Well of Sorrows on the village table and Ben and Alex took Haunted Houses on the sewer table.  

Well of Sorrows was a pretty evenly matched game.  We each got three treasure and we each got to the well and survived.  With the poor rolling and casualty count we had both been experiencing, this played like more of a coffee break game for the warbands so they can get back on track.  We managed to have a nice, evenly matched game in about an hour.  Pretty good for us!
Not a single treasure generated a wandering monster, so there was nothing weird to worry about that way, either.

On the other table, none of the houses generated wraiths, so it was more or less a straight-up brawl. Ben pulled a sweet move when the game's one wandering monster, a demon, became bound by him. 

Standings this week:
  • Alex - Level 10
  • James - Level 8
  • Brendan - Level 7
  • Ben - Level 4

Rydia gets creative with Summon Demon by summoning Olaf the Demonic Snowman.
Olaf didn't do much in the way of damage but he did a great job of shielding other warband members.

Olaf moves up to block and the knight does the same.  Rydia and the apothecary head toward the well for a drink as Brendan's baddies move in.

The witch makes it to the well, too, and has himself a sip.  He brought a lot of muscle this time, and manages to complete his objective without getting killed!
The well became the focal point for most of the game's action, with minor skirmishes happening on the flanks where there was some outlying treasure.

Rydia makes a bee-line out of the center of the board under cover of electrical storms cast by the apprentice.

Speaking of the apprentice, she managed to take down an archer and a thug in melee, in the same turn.

Yeah, that's worth seeing a second time.

On the Haunted Houses table, the elves were going for a new record in concurrently summoned evil beings.

The beastmen were on the hunt for treasure and heads.

Some of them were even brave enough to risk running into wraiths by going into the houses.

Would you believe that zero wraiths were encountered?  Well, good for those guys I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. I'll post a battle report of what really happened between us when I have time!
