As we were playing our week one game, my friends on the board were calling one of the wall sections I had quickly made up to block line of sigh the aqueduct. That got me to thinking that I need an elevated aqueduct for the board! I picked up some cake column pieces from the craft store, cut up some foamboard and foam insulation and knocked out a 4' aqueduct.
Next up was to add some color to the board. James has been turning out some excellent molds and gifting me some to use for our games. So I put a few together.
I airbrushed the planters up quickly and rummaged through my collection of assorted left over plants to create some planters for our game.
I'm just going to pretend that all the snow has melted and these are early growing spring plants...
Here is an action shot of the planters. You can see that my barbarian is a bit blurry in this picture. I'm pretty sure that is because he is a ghost due to the fact he has died in both games costing me 200 big ones each time.
Our next game we will be playing the haunted houses scenario so we need a few small huts to play in. I knocked out 6 3" huts and will have to paint them up some time this weekend.
Ghost barbarian. Nice.