Round 4 - Return to the Well of Sorrows
The well lived up to its name this time. Ben and I played it while Brendan and Alex were otherwise occupied with Haunted Houses. The amount of bad luck that poured out of this table was just downright amazing. Ben had a really good game and won almost every single initiative roll of the night.
The quiet streets of Felstad are about to run red with the blood of my warband, all to the sound of braying goatmen.
My knight does his job well. He loves to stand in the middle of a table and take on all comers. With high armor and fight values, he's a great asset. This was also the game I had where he didn't die afterwards. You're looking at Sir Knightly III here.
He did a terrific job of tar-pitting several beastmen so the rest of the warband could get on with trying to loot some treasure.
I tried something a little different with setup that worked out well. The apprentice (who is a useless waste of oxygen) set up near an archer, a ranger and a thief. Grouping the missile attacks like that proved to be very useful when a couple of lucky shots actually hit home. The ranger managed to cripple Ben's apprentice and take her out of the game early on.
Giant rats. OK, really giant rats. These little buggers spoiled a good bit of my strategy, but that's what wandering monsters are all about I guess. They were just awful, managing to kill two thugs and seriously holding me up in trying to get one of the treasures off the table. The apothecary, apprentice, archer and ranger had to get involved in order to put the damn rats down.
Prior the the knight engaging he took some brutal damage from Snipey McGoatarcher. Thankfully the apothecary was ready with a healing potion. This made all the difference in holding up the herd in the middle of the table for a few turns, Don't blink, you might miss my wizard's contribution for the evening. She died shortly after this, even with Fight +5 and 15 HP.
Behold of the power of the Horned One's children. One of the rats got an arrow shaft through the skull right after this. But they're rats. They'll just make more.
So after all this, Ben had a healthy grasp on 3 treasures and I had 2. The final chest was mired in a slugfest between a treasure hunter and three of my grunts. I finally managed to wrest control of the treasure from Ben after a lucky crit in close combat, and inches from the board edge too! The Fates weren't too happy about something last night, because a snow leopard showed up to block my exit. After a few rounds of watching the leopard beat and bloody my dudes, and with Ben closing in on me with his remaining beasties, we called it a night.
But it gets worse! During the injury rolls, everyone walked away without a scratch except for the wizard. She died. Rolled a 2. Stone cold dead.
Right before I tore up my warband roster, the guys decided that killing off a wizard half way through a 7-week campaign isn't much fun and they let me revive her with a niggling injury instead. I'll happily pay a 30gc tax each game to avoid starting over - thanks guys!
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