Saturday, December 12, 2015

Zombies: Batch 5

Out of 8 potential batches of 8 zombies each, I am down to 24 zombies left to paint for the boardgame Zombicide.  I painted up Wanda as my survivor this round and I have to say she is probably the most characterful one of the bunch.  The roller skating waitress thing really did it for me.  I don't know what that says about me.

I went with a gray skin tone for these zombies to mix up the color palate a bit and to show some decomposition a bit more.  I'm thinking of a sickly green for the next batch.  Still not sure though.

Wanda is about to take out a big batch of zombies outside her roadside diner,

This customer apparently had plenty to eat.

I recently picked up the Frostgrave cultist sprue and did a couple of head swaps to break up all the repeats I have.  The heads were a bit big, so I don't think I'll use the sprue for anymore conversions.

Bonus Zombies!

Since I had arranged a scene for the 5th batch of zombies I thought I would put them all out on the table to see what a horde of zombies would look like.  With only four survivors painted, it looks like they better find a safer location to run to.

Finally a birds eye view. The remaining 24 zombies I have will really fill those empty spots up quite nicely.

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