Monday, July 20, 2015

Building Frostgrave: Week 7

Real Time:  I am now in real time.  As in you won't see a new post for at least one week because it is currently today.  Unless you are reading this post later, than never mind.

Since it is summertime, I have been spending time with my family so didn't work too much on the board this week.  Not complaining, just stating a fact! My goal is to finish by the first week of August, so I think I am still doing ok.  I added more balsa wood framework to 3 more buildings as well as the thatched roof to all three.  I even changed the base paint for some of the buildings so that they would standout a bit more from each other.  So the two major building colors will be brown and khaki.  I know, wild and crazy!

I didn't have time to paint the posts, door or windows, but you can at least see the difference in building color from last week's test model.

More balsa wood:  I also began adding more balsa wood framework to the next section of buildings.  The major problem was that my local craft store ran out of balsa wood, so I only have 5 pieces left and 5 buildings to use them on!  I may have to make a stop to Manchester to find some more.  With only two weeks until my goal date, this could slow me down.

In the upper sections of my board the houses got a bit more glamorous with their dormers and larger footprints.  Unfortunately this required more balsa wood.

Anyway, it was time to go camping for a few days so I took a picture of the board so far.  Almost 4 buildings completely painted out of 12!  1/3rd of the way there isn't too shabby.

Finally, my action shot:

Hopefully I will be able to put a good dent into the board this week as I know the Frostgrave books will be shipping.  I would love to get a game on it soon!

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