Thursday, January 28, 2010

1644 Dry Run Covenanters Army List

Army List for a trial run of 1644
This is basically the compulsory choices with a couple guns and some highlanders added on.

General....................................... 50 pts

1 Regiment of 24 Highlanders (72)
6 muskets (+6)
Trained (+24)........................102 pts

2 Regiments of 24 Foot 12/12 (120)
Trained (+48)........................168 pts

2 Regiments of 12 Horse (96)
Trained (+24).........................120 pts

1 Field Gun....................................40 pts

1 Light Gun....................................21 pts

Total Army Value................501 pts

More fun with Purple Power

Nothing too exciting to report. I cleaned up another unit of pike and shotte last night - hoping to base and flock it this weekend. I also cleaned up half a unit of highlanders before being recalled to active nursery duty. Turns out there's a model in the highlander packs that will work great for a second sniper if the need arises. With any luck we'll see a spot of paint on this stuff before next week.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

English Civil War Rules

I've got a pretty good handle on the 1644 rules at this point. It's an interesting departure from the Warhammer mindset, which is funny since Rick Priestly wrote it. Combat and shooting outcomes are much more predictable. If x troops of this type charge an enemy under these conditions, y enemy models are removed. And one more on a good die roll just to keep a small random element.
I could see 1644 being a real nail-biter of a game and I'm looking forward to trying it out. I've got a sneaky idea for a sniper that will be fun to test, too.

The Warhammer ECW rules read pretty fast. I got through movement and shooting in between diaper changes last night. To be fair I have gotten to the point where I'm doing a little skimming on repackaged Warhammer rules nowadays! So far it's 4th edition Warhammer with an ECW spin - no surprise there. Seeing the dead general army-wide panic test again will be nostalgic. Brennan noted that the unit sizes are significantly larger compared to 1644; 40+ models per unit as opposed to the 18-36 that 1644 tends to run with.

Getting a couple games of each under our belts will be good just to see which style plays better for us. That and we'll be better prepared and have more painted when Black Powder ECW hits shelves.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Shots of Pike and Shotte

The first infantry unit based, piked and flocked .

This unit contains 12 pike, including command, and 12 muskets.

New post, new figs, new baby

It's hard to believe this hasn't been touched for five months! In that time we've gotten our hands on some gorgeous copies of Black Powder and I've got a new 1:1 scale baby girl - prepainted! Black Powder looks like it's going to be the de facto horse and musket ruleset.

There should be a fair amount of ECW action coming along shortly as well. (Technically there are horses and muskets involved, so I'm posting it here!)
Santa Wife came through with a copy of Rick Priestly's 1644 rule set for Christmas. That led me down the path of purchasing Wargames Foundry's Scots Covenanter army deal. I have to say, when DHL showed up with a complete metal army in a box I considered purchasing a forklift before my next purchase. Plastic's nice, but heavy metal's where it's at. \m/

As far as the ECW Scots are concerned, some of the standalone figures like the artillery crew and sniper are all cleaned and based.
The first compulsory unit of 12/12 pike and shot have just come out of a 5:1 mix of water:degreaser. (It's a little extra work but it takes the mould residue off; the paint sticks a lot better afterwards.) They're drying on the counter and I hope to get them based later today on GF9's 20mm econobases.